From October 20, 2023 to March 27, 2024, the community team of the TMRC Research Board conducted GCP training, training and sample collection support for research partners in 5 provinces:

  1. Tien Giang Province: October 20 to 21, 2023.
  2. Cu Chi District (HCMC): November 1, 2024.
  3. Dak Lak Province: November 14 to 16, 2024.
  4. Binh Phuoc Province: from February 2 to April 2024.
  5. Dak Nong Province: from March 25 to 27, 2024.

Training helps ensure that collaborators at the research site can collect, process, and transport samples in accordance with good clinical practice standards; ensure the rights of research participants. At the same time, training helps increase interaction and solve difficulties at collaborators’ workplaces. From there, it helps improve the quality and efficiency of sample collection.

A. Some photos of training in Tien Giang province on October 20-21, 2023

Figure 1: Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh (community group leader) trained GCP, research outline
and collected questionnaires

Figure 2: MSc. Cao Thi Ngoc Bich trained in blood sample collection and processing

Figure 3: Gia Phuc – Community group training on packing and transporting samples

B. Some pictures of training in Cu Chi district on November 1, 2024

Figure 4: Field team supports GCP training, research outline and questionnaire collection

Figure 5. Collaborators collecting samples in the community

Figure 6. Research team training on blood sample collection and processing

C. Some pictures of training in Dak Lak district on November 14-16, 2024:

Figure 7: The filed team supports GCP training, research outline and questionnaire collection

Figure 8: Collaborators obtained consent to participate in the study at the hospital

Figure 9: Collaborators collected questionnaires for subjects outside the community

D. Some photos of training in Binh Phuoc province on January 2-4, 2023

Figure 10: Field team supports GCP training, research outline and questionnaire collection

Figure 11: Instructions for collaborators to process research samples

Figure 12: Road to the research subject’s house to collect samples

E. Some photos of training in Dak Nong province on March 25-27, 2023

Figure 13: Field team supports GCP training, research outline and questionnaire collection

Figure 14: The worker pastes the code after processing the sample

Figure 15: Collecting research samples from the community