On March 11-12, 2024, TMRC invited Associate Professor Amy Cornelli and Mr. Kelvin McKenna from Duke University (USA) to conduct training on qualitative research. The workshop took place both in person and online on MS Teams to expand the program to a wider audience. This workshop was completely free to attend.

The workshop was attended by Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hiep – Rector of PNTUM, Associate Professor Thuy Le – Principal Investigator of the Talaromyces fungal infection project, Duke University, Associate Professor . Ngo Thi Hoa (Principal Investigator, Head of the Microbiology-Parasitology Unit at BRC), members of the TMRC and BRC, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Hanoi University of Medicine, Hanoi University of Public Health, Central Tropical Diseases Hospital, Emory University (USA), and Duke University (USA).

Some representative images of the workshop:

Figure 1: Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep – Principal of PNTUM gave the opening speech

Figure 2: Associate Professor. Thuy Le (Duke University) shares her thoughts about the course

Figure 3: Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep and Associate Professor. Ngo Thi Hoa gave a commemorative gift to Associate Professor. Amy Cornelli, Mr. Kelvin McKenna
and Associate Professor. Thuy Le

Figure 4: Associate Professor. Amy Cornelli and Mr. Kelvin McKenna gave a thank you gift to
Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep and Associate Professor. Ngo Thi Hoa       

Figure 5: Associate Professor. Amy Cornelli gives students practice interviews

Figure 6: Mr. Kelvin McKenna gives theoretical instructions to students

Figure 7: Students participate in discussions and practice interviews.
Behind is a system that broadcasts seminars directly to online students

Figure 8: The Board of Directors of the PNTUM, the Teaching Board and students
took commemorative photos

Figure 9. The Teaching Team took a commemorative photo with the conference poster placed at BRC