On the morning of January 23, 2024, BRC invited Prof. Dr. David Boulware, Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota, to lead a workshop on “How to Write scientific manuscripts efficiently?”.

The interactive workshop will provide an opportunity for discussion and experience sharing on 4 topics:

  1. The traditional role of scientific authors.
  2. What is a research question? What story do you want to tell? What are the key tables and figures to tell that story?
  3. How to create a scientific outline.
  4. Online tools to improve writing.

The workshop will be attended by Associate Professor Thuy Le (Duke University), Associate Professor Ngo Thi Hoa (BRC, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), and faculty members from Hanoi University of Pharmacy, OUCRU, Hanoi Medical University, Duke University (USA), and University of Minnesota (USA).

Some representative images of the workshop:

Figure 1: Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep – Principal of PNTUM gave the opening speech

Figure 2: Professor. David Boulware delivers the lecture

Figure 3: Associate Professor. Thuy Le discussed with Professor. David Boulware

Figure 4: Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep gave a commemorative gift to Professor. David Boulware

Figure 5: Associate Professor. Nguyen Thanh Hiep gave a commemorative gift to Associate Professor. Thuy Le